Monday, March 5, 2012

When Will We See Christian Growth?

My son-in-law’s blog Pursuing Glory asked the question “What will it take to see a rapidly reproducing movement of Jesus' followers take root in the West?”

It would be easy to answer with “When God brings a revival.”,  “When Christians churches preach about winning souls instead of about money.” or “When the government starts to pass laws, which are more Christian friendly.”  We can put the burden upon God, The Church, government, society and just about anything else in this world but I feel the right answer is: “It requires me to repent.”

I have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.  I have not lived my life as He desires.  If I live my life as God has designed me to live, then my witness would be bringing others to Christ.  The fault, that we do not see a rapid reproducing movement of Jesus' followers, is mine.

I have not followed the great commission of Matthew 28: 18-20.  I let the evangelist, preachers and Christian Organizations do my evangelism for me.

I do not love my neighbor as Jesus commanded in Mark 12: 30-31.  If I did love them, they would know about my Jesus, because I would love every person I met and want them to hear about the wonderful gift of Salvation which Jesus desires to give them.

I am unwilling to die to my own will and live for Christ as Jesus required in Luke 9:23.  I want to be called Christian and be known as a follower of Christ, but I am unwilling to take up His cross daily and truly follow him.

The fault, that there is no rapidly reproducing movement of Jesus' followers in the west, is mine.  Until I repent and start living my life as Jesus commanded me, nothing is going to change and millions of lives will spend eternity in the everlasting darkness of Hell.

Photo Credit: Prayer is the Language by Lel4nd


  1. Interesting question and your answer goes for most of us. To expand it further, it's been a growing awareness in me that the failure of the "Church" in the West (or in America) is that so many of us professing Christians are little more than pew-sitters. We go to "church" and warm a pew on Sunday mornings, but we aren't taking the Gospel to others and have little interest in doing so other than giving an occasion missionary offering. "Church" has become merely a Sunday morning institution full of the traditions of man instead of a body of believers through whom the Holy Spirit works and moves. This is why the there is such impotence in the Church in the West.

  2. Love your response and the new tag line.
