Monday, April 16, 2012

True leadership in a Christian Service.

Everyone walks into the church sanctuary with a feeling of expectation.  The room is no different than it has been every week before this, but as people enter they seem to sense that this day is special.  They speak quietly, if at all, when taking their seats.  Around the sanctuary most people are praying or reading their Bibles.  This is a Holy Place.

The hour comes to start the service.  The room is full of praying people.  Minutes pass but no one stands to lead in a song or even an opening prayer.  Everyone waits patiently. 

Finally 15 minutes into the service, Jesus steps up to the pulpit.  All eyes go to him as he raises his hands in welcome.  His smile seems to light the room and lift the hearts of everyone.  He speaks in a soft loving voice that fills the room.

“Katie, would you share what the Lord has placed on your heart.”

A young girl nervously stands and walks to the front.  Lifting her eyes from her hands grasped tightly together in front of her, she looks out over the crowd of people.  A tear slowly flows down her cheek as she smiles.  “I love Jesus with all my heart.”

Those few words seemed to ignite something in the hearts of everyone.  The Holy Spirit moves in people hearts in a powerful way that none there had ever experienced before.

Does this story sound possible?  Has any Christian gathering you attended ever been like this? Why is it we don’t see services like this?  Whether you are in a house church or a mega church, this scenario can be a reality.  The key is found in who is leading.  Is the clock leading what and when worship is done?  Is the Pastor leading or some other church leader?  Is your church bulletin the Bible of what takes place in a service?

The only leader in any gathering should be Jesus.  If he does not lead when you think he should, then wait for him.  Don’t feel uncomfortable with silence.  We should be uncomfortable with words and songs that are just filling the silence.  Jesus must lead or we will sound like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

“I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.” Psalm 130: 5-6

1 comment:

  1. Very true, we should be more uncomfortable with the things just filling the silence that aren't Jesus led. But oh how our flesh cries out! lol
