Friday, July 19, 2013

The Most Important Part of the Bible


I was asked by a friend on Facebook, “David, what part of the Bible you think is the most important? I heard a very interesting reply from clergymen on this subject. I'm interested what your opinion is.”

That is a very interesting question.  Immediately, verses and subjects popped into my head, but I somehow knew they were all wrong.  I stopped and listened to that still small voice and  I think God answered.

The most important part of the Bible is that which you need for your life right then.

For someone who has lost a loved one and is in great emotional pain, they need to know the comfort of God.  When you do not know Jesus as your personal savior, you need to know that salvation comes only through trust in Jesus’ sacrifice for your sin.  When your lonely and feel like the world is against you, you need to know that Jesus loves you and will never leave you.

We are all in different stages of our lives physically, emotionally and spiritually.  What you need to  hear from God is not necessarily what I need to hear.  Where God would take you in the Bible is not going to be the same  place God takes me.

Pray to the lord and tell Him where your heart is.  Allow Him to lead you in your Bible reading and pray for His wisdom to understand it.  Then quiet your heart to listen to that still small voice of God as He teaches you the most important truth you need in your life.

Photo Credit: Bible Study 2 by George Bannister


  1. My friend who initially asked this question of me said the clergyman she had talked to answered that the creation was the most important because without God creating the universe and people to live there, nothing else would matter.

  2. I think you hit it right on the nail head. Because we are all walking in different places. Kinda takes me to we need to hide the word away in our hearts, (Psalm 119:11) then when the storm comes we know where to go.
