Friday, November 1, 2013

How to Write a Christian Blog

You can find a lot of sites telling you how to write a blog.  If you need to know how to write a simple blog then I suggest you just Google it, but if you want to know how to write a Christian blog then read on.  I think you will find a few pointers that too many Christians miss.
  1. This blog is not yours but Gods.  If you want to glorify yourself and show off your great writing skills that’s fine but it is a blog written by a Christian and not a Christian blog.  Don’t just dedicate your blog to the Lord but give it to Him and let Him have control of it.
  2. Let God speak.  It is so easy to find things we want to write about in a blog.  If this was your blog that would be fine, but it is not yours.  You are merely the vessel God is using to speak.  Prayerfully ask God what He has for you to write.  Read His word. Quietly listen for that still small voice to speak to you.  God will show you what is on His heart for you to write. Wait for Him.
  3. Rightly divide the Word of God.  It is very easy to find a verse that will say what you want it to say.  All you have to do is ignore what it really says.  Even if the subject your talking about is Godly, that does not mean you can take a verse out of context to prove what your saying.  Today in my time with the lord I had an insight into a verse that I had never had before.  I was going to blog to everyone what God had shown me.  The first thing I did was study closely what that verse said and I found that I was not only wrong in what I  thought that verse said but the theology I had taken from it was totally wrong as well.  If you accidentally do blog something that is not scriptural then humbly admit it and correct or delete the blog post entirely.
  4. Pray. Pray about your blog even before you set up your blog.  Be in His presence constantly as you set it up, before every post, when writing your post, and when posting it on your blog site.  This is God’s blog and you can not do this job without Him.  It is in His presence that you will find the answers to everything you need for the blog.
  5. Forget the numbers.  One thing I find myself falling into is seeing how many people are reading my blog.  I take pride in how many there are.  Its fun to see the numbers going up.  When you start your blog, pray that God will bring the people He desires to read what you post.  If you have 2 people read your post, those 2 people are the ones God has brought to read and learn from what He has said through you.  Forget the numbers.  They are not important.  What is important is that you follow God’s leading in what you write and then rest in faith that He is in control of how He uses what is written.
  6. You will make mistakes.  You probably already figured out that your not perfect.  Remember that as you work your blog.  What you write is not Scripture.  If someone criticizes something you posted, humbly consider it and see if what they say is true.  They could be God’s way of saying your post is not what He wanted to say.
  7. Love. You are God's tool and His steward.  That means it is your blog to work but only as His representative. Anything you say must be out of His love.  If someone gets nasty with you about anything in the blog, you are to love them as Jesus would.  God is love and everyone must see that in the blog where you are God’s representative.
If you follow these 7 points you will be a blessing to our Lord Jesus, to those who read your blog post, and to all those in your life.  The greatest blessing of writing a Christian Blog is the fellowship you have with our Savior and Editor, Jesus Christ.

If you would like to get your feet wet and join others in posting in a blog check out Subversive Truth. If you agree with their Doctrinal statement they will be happy to talk to you about posting on their blog site.

Photo Credit: Year C: Second Sunday of Lent by Stephen Cuyos


  1. Thank God for this post. I now know what to do. God bless you! :)

  2. It is a blessing to read your blog. I am the minister for The Mighty Fortress Ministry. I have been praying about doing a Christian blog. I am new to blogs. I know that the Holy Ghost brought me to your blog. I can use all the help I can. I do not know what type a blog to do, I know Christ will give me the answer. God Bless. Apostle Second Paul
