So here is the word I received almost 2 years ago. Do not believe it, in and of itself. It is worthless on its own. But if others agree and confirm this to you apart from this blog, then take heed.
These are the words of THE LORD to my Children. Hear them and do not fear. I call you to know me, so that you will find rest and comfort. In Heaven, there is no fear and no sadness. This is not because of anything I give to my children. Streets of gold do not cast out fear. Pearly gates do not wipe away tears. Angel servants do not bring happiness. There is no fear only to those who rest in me. True happiness is found only in my intimate presence. You may heal a nation, or raise a thousand people from the dead, yet not know me. My power can flow through you like water, but if that is where you find your joy, than you are as an empty vessel. Joy is found in me and not in the gifts of love I give to you. If you had all of Heaven to live in for eternity, but I was not present, would it really be Heaven? Do not be satisfied with the lowly things I give you, but only in intimately knowing my presence.
The days ahead of you are ones of testing. Many will fall to the side of the road and give up. Others who call me Lord will curse my Name. The day of your birth was no accident. I have called you forth for these days. Rest in me, and I will bring you through the fire. Trust in the world, or trust in yourself, and you will surely die. I am your Hope.
I have set forth my choice of a man to be your President. Have I erred in my choice? In your wisdom, you say he should not lead you. You speak against him and say he is a curse upon you. Your lips pray for him but your words fall to the floor. Your heart curses him and I hear you. He is my man for this office, at this hour. I did not consult with you about my choice. You call my wisdom foolishness. Your heart is hardened against me.
You say, “Let us rise up and cast out those who come against us. Let us lay in wait so that we can raise up a leader who we approve of. One who will bless us.” Oh foolish children, why are you so deceived? Many, who are against you, will be cast out. I call them out and I am calling others to fill their offices. Do not think it is by your power that these things shall happen. When you lay in wait, to bring forth a new leader whom you believe will bring back justice and righteousness, I will stop you. I have chosen one who shall bring forth death and destruction with them. Demons shall run through the lands deceiving, destroying and killing. The days will become darker and not lighter. The clouds will be thick with the darkness of death.
I am here. I hold out my arms to you. I welcome you to my rest. I shall lift you up and hold you to my bosom. You shall find nothing to fear when you are in my arms. I am the tower of your strength. Nothing can come against you while you are within me. Death holds no power with me. I have defeated death. I have the victory. You have the honor of sharing in my victory. Come and let us fight as one. Rest upon my strong arm, and you shall not be disappointed.
On a final note, this word is not one of doom but of hope. The hope is that even in terrible times God is there and desires you to rest in Him, trust Him and Him alone.
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