Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Most Important Chapter in the Bible

First let me say that every book, every chapter, every verse, word, and letter are important and integral to the Scriptures.  There is one chapter that I believe everything is founded upon and without it, the rest of Scripture would be weakened and much more easily warped by Satan and those who follow him.

Genesis chapter one is so important for the Christian to understand and believe.  Satan is constantly trying to tear this chapter apart and diminish the work of God.  Evolution is a Satanic tool to undermine God.  If Satan can get the world to question this one Chapter, then people will question all that follows.  If God was not telling the truth about creation, then what else is God lying about?

Throughout the Bible, the word "day" is translated as a 24 hour day, but some say that creation is an exception.  All of a sudden people translate that word as meaning eons.  No!  God is able and did create the world in six literal days.

Some say that God created everything using evolution.  Than God lied when he said that death entered the world when man sinned. Romans 5:12  Millions of years with no death would have put Adam and Eve in a world where animals completely covered the world several stories deep.  People accept evolution because they never search for the truth, but dismiss creation without even investigating it.  Many also know the fallacies of evolution but because they do not want to accept that there is a God, they allow their hearts and minds to be hardened.

Genesis 1 is key to all of Scripture.  This is where everything springs forth from.  This is where God reveals Himself and His work.  All the Bible events and people are founded on this chapter.  Read it. Believe it. Live it.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16

Do you think a different chapter is more important? Do you disagree with what I said?  Leave a comment.  I would love to hear from you.


  1. I agree with your general point, brother, but I think your statement that the word Yom is always translated 24-hour day is mistaken. C Joshua 24:7 for example. I think the argument about the word Yom comes up more between young Earth and old Earth creationists, while the validity of Genesis 1 is more attacked buy secularists and evolutionists.

  2. You are right Richard. I misspoke. I said throughout and that seems to mean always. There are a few cases where it means longer time then one day but most of the time it is only one 24 hour day. Even if it was half the time, evidence such as God creating plants and then the next the sun shows that it could not have been a long time but only a day.
