Monday, July 30, 2012

The Last Words are Important


I remember when I was a teenager living at home and had signed up to join the Navy.  The day I left home to go to boot camp, my family and I said good-bye.  It is at those times, that the most important concerns a parent has on their heart are expressed.  Nothing profound was really said when I left except for two things that were very important.  1. “I love you” and 2. “Take care of yourself.  You be careful.”

I can still hear my mothers voice.  What the White House was doing that day, what was happening on some TV show, and the price of tea was in China, were not important when I left.  The facts that I needed to remember I was loved, and I should be careful were important.

When Jesus left the earth, He didn’t talk about Caesar, religious leaders or even remind them of His past teachings.  He knew he was about to leave them, but they could not survive alone.  He had a mission for them, and they would need all the help they could get.

Acts 1: 1-11 tells about Jesus’ last words before he Ascended into Heaven.  He had two important messages for His people.

1. They were not to go out into the world until they had received power from the Holy Spirit.  Jesus loved the people and promised to send someone to help them, guide them, and take care of them.  God will not leave His people to stand alone against the world.

2. Once they had been baptized with the Holy Spirit they were to be a witness for Christ to those near and far, even to the whole earth.

Today, we talk about many things that we think are important in the Christian life.  I believe abortion is wrong, families consisting of a man married to a woman, and supporting Israel are all important concerns.  Did Jesus tell his disciples to get involved in politics?  Did He say to get laws changed so that they support Biblical principles?  No.

That does not mean we roll over and let anti-Christian laws, and movements have their way.  It simply means that the answer is not in laws but in Christ.  Change the hearts of men and you change the world.  Change the laws and the hearts of men will just change them back again later.

We are to be witnesses of Christ.  Tell the world about Jesus.  Tell about His love and His sacrifice.  Tell about how Jesus has changed your life.  No one can argue you about your own testimony.  You are a witness of God working everyday in your life.  Share it. Share what God has told you in scriptures.

Read the great commission and remember, this is the most important thing Jesus had to say before He left us in this world.  Read it and believe that Jesus loved you so much that He wanted you to hear these last words and take them to heart.

Photo Credit: Saying Goodbye by Dannyman

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