Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Following the Crazy, Foolish Jesus


I wonder if people called Jesus names like “Crazy Christ” or “Madman Messiah”  He did and said things that made no sense at all.  His friends thought he was crazy and wanted to carry him away in Mark 3:21. In the next verse (Mark 3:22) it tells how the Scribes believed him to be possessed by demons. 

Jesus said things like "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” in Mathew 5: 43,44. Everyone knows an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  Get revenge against your enemy.  You don’t do good for those who hate you.

And one time he told a man named Nicodemus that he had to be “born again” in John 3:3. Another time, in John 6: 53  he tells his disciples that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood.  Doesn’t that sound like a madman to you? 

Many of his disciples couldn’t handle some of the crazy stuff he said and they left him. So why should we follow this madman who ended up tortured and executed?  Even many of those who followed him ended up killed by the government or the people of the lands.  It is outright foolishness to follow this man.

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” 1 Corinthians 1:25

From a human point of view God’s wisdom is foolish.  It does not subscribe to our normal human wisdom.  The bible seems so contrary to what seems sensible, because God’s wisdom is so much wiser then ours.  Jesus was God’s own fool, but that foolishness was far supreme to our greatest wisdom.

We want to look wise in the sight of man.  When people point at us and laugh at our belief in Jesus we feel rejection.  Hollywood is full of man’s wisdom and it brings heartache and pain in people’s lives.  The Government does its best to manage our country with human wisdom and we are going bankrupt. Schools teach safe sex and children are giving birth to babies. 

Sometimes we simply have to take God at his word.  We do not have the wisdom to understand everything God says, but know this; When God speaks He speaks wisdom and truth.  Never doubt God and you will be seen as the wisest of all men in Heaven, and the most foolish in all the world.

Photo Credit: INSANITY copy by Jeanette Goodrich

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