Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Science Quiz

This quiz is meant to be fun and help you to learn something surprising.  The quiz consist of 5 multiple choice questions.  Write down your answer on a piece of paper and see how many you get right.  Good Luck.
1. When was it found that the earth did not ride on the back of a turtle but actually hung in space?
  1. 1500 BC
  2. 600 BC
  3. 1650 AD
  4. 1800 AD
2. When did man find that the earth is round?
  1. 700 BC
  2. 300 BC
  3. 1492 AD
  4. 1600 AD
3. When did man know that air had weight?
  1. 600 BC
  2. 100 AD
  3. 800AD
  4. 1500 AD
4. When was if found that the best ratio for shipbuilding is 30:5:3
  1. 2348 BC
  2. 50 BC
  3. 1609 BC
  4. 1900 BC
5. When were the underwater paths of the continental currents found?
  1. 800 BC
  2. 200 AD
  3. 1400 AD
  4. 1850 AD

Do you have your answers written down?  Below you will find the answers and brief explanation for why it is the correct answer. 
1. When was it found that the earth did not ride on the back of a turtle but actually hung in space?
Correct Answer: 2. 600 BC.  Science didn’t know about it until 1650 but God spoke about it in Job 26:7 saying that God “…hangeth the earth upon nothing.”

2. When did man know that the earth is round?
Correct Answer: 1. 700 BC.  Isaiah 40:22 talks of the circle of the Earth.  Aristotle suggested it around 350 BC but it was almost another 2000 years before mankind stopped believing in a flat Earth.

3. When did man know that air had weight?
Correct Answer: 1. 600 BC.  Science didn’t discover that air had weight until the 16th century but God told Job in Job 28:25,  about the weight of the winds.

4. The best ratio for shipbuilding is 30:5:3?
Correct Answer: 1. 2348 BC.  The dimensions for Noah’s Ark where using the ration of 30:5:3.  It was not until 1609 AD that a ship built in Holland, with those dimensions, revolutionized shipbuilding.

5. When were the underwater paths of the continental currents found?
Correct Answer: 1. 800 BC.  Matthew Maury (1806 – 1873 is the father of Oceanography because of his discover of the continental currents.  He found them by reading Psalm 8:8 and saying, “If God said there are paths in the sea, I am going to find them.”

I hope you enjoyed the quiz.  Many people think the Bible is counter to science, when in reality true science and Scripture are in agreement.  The ones who are counter to science are those who are counter to the one who created all science in the first place.

If you liked this, please add a comment and tell me how you did.  Should I do more quizzes?

Photo Credit: From "Pursuit of Light" - Perpetual Ocean by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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