Monday, April 16, 2018

The Revolution

Throughout history, we admired the rebel who stood up to the corruption of an evil government.  We in the United States admire Geoge Washington and those who fought the war for independence from England.  The Scottish admire William Wallace's rebellion against England. And who can forget the slave Spartacus who led Roman Slaves in revolt against Rome?

There is a revolution in this world that covers the whole globe.  A revolt that permeates the very fabric of existence here on Earth.  This rebellion does not have noble leaders to admire.  It is the rebellion against God which started with Adam and Eve and continues to this day.

Christians are not rebels against the world. Just because there are much fewer Bible-believing Christians than there are non-Christians, does not mean we are the force rebelling against the evil of the world.  Christians are the loyal subjects of the eternal King of the Universe.  The world is rebelling against God, not the Christian against the World.

When a person commits a sin, Christian or not, they are committing rebellion against the King.  Every sinful act is an act of treason and punishable by death.  It does not matter how small or big we think a sin is, it is still rebellion and treason.

Are you a rebel?  Do you think a little white lie, a small piece of gossip or stealing that pen from work is too small to matter?  God takes our treasonous actions serious.  Shouldn't we?

"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft..." 1 Samuel 15:23a

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