Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Apathy about God

God is Creator of the Universe.  There is nothing which exists that God did not make.  With his mere words, God spoke and the stars burst forth within the heavens.  God spoke, and the earth was formed. God spoke, and the waters and land existed.  The animals, the plants and all life appeared upon this world because the creator spoke.  Out of God’s desire He formed man and gave him a wife.  All life, including man’s, exist because of God.  I don’t care.

God is Lord of the Universe.  At the touch of his finger, stars explode and galaxies crumble.  His glance can cause worlds to spin out of their orbits and collide with catastrophic destruction.  A whim can birth a universe or cease all life. Nothing can exist or move without His knowledge.  No one can take a breath without His permission.  He calms storms with a word and walks on water. The Laws of Physics exist at His desire.  I don’t care.

God is King of Heaven.  Billions of angels bow to Him.  The most powerful and beautiful heavenly host sing praise to God.  God sits on a throne of Glory.  His streets are of purist Gold. No sun is needed because, His presence shines forth lighting all of Heaven.  Precious gems are found everywhere, like gravel on the road. There is no hunger, no thirst, no pain, no sickness and no death.  I don’t care.

God is Giver of Gifts.  God has given me a house, furnishings, cars, money, jobs, friends and family.  He has bestowed upon me talents, spiritual gifts, intelligence and health. He has allowed me to live in a great country with freedoms rarely found in history.  I have seen Him heal the sick, chase out demons from the possessed, and provide where a provision did not exist.  He has worked miracles.  I don’t care.

God loves me.  He loved me so much that He sent His own son to die a torturous death. How can I not care?  Even if He possessed no powers or titles and had no possessions or gifts to give, how could I deny such a great love?  I worship Him as the creator.  He is the Lord of my life.  He is my King.  I will take His gifts, and I will use them to His honor and to His Glory.  Nothing about God matters until we consider His love.

God could be Creator, Lord and King of all, but still be have nothing to do with us.  Just put it all into motion and forget us.  He could give us the greatest earthly gifts, do the most wonderful miracles, and yet He could be evil.  It is His love that sets Him apart.  It is His love that makes me desire to know Him. 

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