Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fourth Commandment: Let’s Get Together After Work

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8

In the times of Jesus, if you were to wear shoes with nails in them, you were working because you were carrying nails.  If you lit the lamp, you were working.  If you healed someone, you were working.  Pharisees kept an eye on people, and they especially kept an eye on Jesus.  They did so much work trying not to work that they must have been exhausted by the end of the day.

What they were not looking at was the purpose of this commandment.  Could you imagine what life would be like with seven days of work?  We would be working constantly and even if our bodies and minds could handle it, our spiritual life could not.  We would never have any time for God.  Churches would have to meet in the evenings, and very few people would ever go.  Churches would die out.  Our souls would shrivel up and die because we would not have time for God.

God, in his wisdom gave us a day of rest.  Rest is more than just relaxing.  It means to rest in Him.  It means to be with God, talk to Him, listen to Him and trust in Him.  It means having a relationship with God.  You take one day off so that you can enjoy the blessing God has given you and to show your thankfulness to Him. 

God wants you everyday to be with Him, but if we did not have this one day set aside to specifically be with Him, we would be too busy to ever think about Him.  This day reminds us of His love for us.  It reminds us that He wants us to be with him all week long.

The Sabbath is the day set aside for everyone to pause in their busy lives, look towards God and remember how much He loves being with us.

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