Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jehoshaphat’s Prayer

Four things let us ever keep in mind: God hears prayer, God heeds prayer, God answers prayer, and God delivers by prayer.
E. M. Bounds

Does prayer work?  I admit that I have prayed and not seen any results from my prayer.  From that evidence, I could conclude that God does not answer prayer.  I would also be wrong in that conclusion.  Let's look at Jehoshaphat’s prayer and see what he did. 2 Chronicles 20: 6-13

The first thing Jehoshaphat prayed was praise to God. (v6) He is God in the heavens, ruler of all kingdoms, power and might are His.  No one can stand against Him.  He drove the inhabitants of the land out to give the land to the descendants of Abraham, who is God’s ‘friend forever.’”

The second thing Jehoshaphat prayed was saying what they were doing in their situation. (v8) God’s people lived in the promised land and build a sanctuary for Him.  If any evil came upon them, they would stand before God’s house, and before Him, to cry out in distress because He would hear them.  They were going to be attacked (v10) by people who would take what God had given to God’s people.

The third thing prayed is a call for God to fight against Judah’s enemies because Judah was powerless to come against them.  Their eyes were on God for their salvation.

Jehoshaphat was crafty and sly.  He didn’t just go to God saying, “We have this enemy who are coming to kill us.  Please help us!  We are defenseless against them.”  He used God’s word and promises before God, to say “Here is why you will answer my prayer.”

Jehoshaphat begins by saying how great and powerful God is.  Then he brings before The Lord, that Abraham (their father) was God’s friend forever.  God had given this land to Abraham and his descendants.  God’s house was in this land, and the people were dependent upon Him to keep His promises  and to help defend the land which God had given to them.  They were powerless against the evil which was coming upon them.  They didn’t look to armies, money allies or any other worldly strength.  Their eyes were on God alone.

That is where I failed in my prayers.  I never sought out what God’s heart was in the things I prayed.  I didn’t look to see if God had ever promised to answer my prayers in the way I had desired or not.  I had never laid claim to anything from God, but instead only whined about how I wanted something.

Grow up Christian.  Stop whining and start winning.  Pray with confidence, knowing God will answer your prayers because He has already told you in His word what His will is.  Now you just need to pray it.

Go to part 4 of Jehoshaphat, Spiritual Gifts.

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  1. Meaningful words....I have to remind myself each day to pray with confidence and thanksgiving. Confident expectation is where I can truly show my faith, thanks...

  2. As long as we follow God's way, we can be confident and expect great things in our lives. God wants to manifest Himself to us, if only we will follow and trust Him.

  3. Hi first thank you for such a web sight it is simple plain and clear,> praying God's word and His promises to us , thank you for reminding me

  4. God's promises, not my own selfish desires, must be the claim and the aim of my prayers. He has all power and He will answer once I follow His will. Give me more knowledge to help me understand how to pray.
