Friday, March 23, 2018

God is not Man

Humanity has a tendency to make God in man's image.  Look at the Greek, the Roman, and the Norse gods and you will see mere humans living in the clouds, with all their faults, but with great powers.  Power does not make a god. 

Even today people foist humanity upon God.   Even we Christians think that God is like us.  We try to paint God with humanity so that we can identify with Him better.  We try to lower God to our level.

Lowering God to our level is the easy way to relate to God.  We want God to love us, so we make God accepting of our sins.  We want God to be peaceful and nice, so we make God weak and malleable.  We want a God who will make us comfortable and looked up to by others, so we make a God who is more concerned with material and social gains than spiritual ones.

Why do we settle on such a whimpy God?  Because we are too lazy to know the real God.  Because we want a God who lets us do what we want to do.  Because we want to be our own God.

We must never try to lower God to our level, but raise ourselves up to God instead.  We are to study the Scriptures because they tell us about Him. We are to live a life that reflects the nature of God and His righteousness. We are to tell others about Jesus Christ and the salvation he bought for us with his own life because it is in God's nature to sacrifice for others.  It is the nature of God which we must strive to learn and to emulate.

God is not a man, nor does He think like a man.  He knows man.  He knows the weaknesses and faults of man, but God's nature is nothing like ours.  His nature is what makes Him God. A nature that is foreign to fallen man.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

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