Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God Never Answers My Prayers

Some people think that prayer just means asking for things, and if they fail to receive exactly what they asked for, they think the whole thing is a fraud.  Gerald Vann

Have you prayed to God and never gotten an answer?  Does it seem that your prayers fall upon deaf ears?

What if, as you sit there reading this blog, you looked out the window and saw a famous billionaire outside your home.  You run outside, introduce yourself to him and then ask, “Will you give me $5.00?”

What chance is there that he will give you the money?  Probably, next to none.  If he gave you the money he would be inundated with people asking him for money.  He knows that, and most likely you will go away just as poor as you were before.

Now, let's say that while you're talking to the billionaire his son comes up to him and asks, “Will you give me $5.00?”

The son has an excellent chance that the billionaire will give him the money he asked for.  What is the difference?  Relationship!

The closer the relationship you have with God, the more likely you are to experience God answering your prayers.

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