Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Unless Revival Comes

There is a growing conviction everywhere, and especially among thoughtful people, that unless revival comes, other forces will take the field, that will sink us still deeper into the mire of humanism and materialism.
 Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell was a fiery preacher from the Mid 20th century Hebrides Revival in Scotland.  In the above quote, he spoke of people sinking deeper into humanism and materialism, unless revival came to halt it.  That threat is even more pronounced today than it was in his day.
When I look at the people around me, even among Christians, I see dependence upon man and not upon God.  Moral problems such as abortion, homosexuality, greed, drugs, pornography, violence and many others are solved by passing laws.  When those laws don’t work we vote out the politicians and let new politician pass more laws which they say will help.  The result is our giving the government more and more power which should be given to God. 
Today President Obama fights to enact more laws to give the government power to improve people's lives.  The Tea Party and the Republican Party are both fighting against him, in hopes of solving our problems by giving the power to the people and not the Government.  Who is fighting to give God the opportunity to solve our problems?  Why aren’t Christians standing up and saying “This is a spiritual problem, not a political problem.”
We Christians are focused upon ourselves and not upon God.  We talk about God, but our lives scream “ME!”  We are dependent upon our jobs, our money, our strength, our education, our wisdom and our possessions.  Any problems which occur in our lives, we solve it ourselves, or if that is impossible we will turn to God as a last resort.  We are lukewarm believers as long as we delegate God to being our final desperate attempt at solving our problems.
Christians today have been tainted by the world view that man can rule his own life without God’s help.  Christians find their fulfillment in what they own and their personal activities, but not in God.  They go out golfing on Sunday mornings to worship God in the beauty of the world He created.  They give money to the Church, but never go to a bible study or prayer meeting which would require some time away from the TV.  Their comfort is more important to them than the souls of the lost.
Come lord Jesus, wrench our hearts from the miry dark depths of self.  Save us from ourselves. 
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  1. Well said. The Christian voice is seldom heard, and when it is it is the voice of compromise. We have demanded that government do those things God says in His word that His people should be doing.

  2. We really do need God to move on our hearts so we will be brought to a place of repentance.
