My father was an art teacher. My mother enjoys painting. My favorite class in High School was Art. I guess art is something that is in my blood. I always enjoyed creating something different from what anyone else would create. I was sitting at my computer this morning when a thought came to me. Who is the most spectacular and imaginative artist?
This is probably a pretty easy quiz, but one that I think you will enjoy. Just click on the name of the person you think is the most spectacular artist and view some of his work.
Leonardo da Vinci
So which artist is the correct answer? All three go to a video showing a small portion of some the artist's greatest works. I know whom I choose. I chose the one whose canvas is the universe. He is the also the same one who is the designer and builder all we see in nature. Oh yeah, He is also the designer of Michelangelo and Leonardo De Vinci. Anything they did was because the Master Artist fashioned it within them.
God also designed you for a purpose. A purpose which can be eternally more beautiful than Michelangelo's or Leonardo's works. What great wonders has he implanted within you to accomplish?
Photo Credit: Artist Studio by Seem-ing Lee
Video Credit: In The Land of the Northern Lights by Ole Christian Salomonsen
Technorati Tags: Art, quiz, God, Michelangelo, da-Vinci, creator, creation, painting, nature, Christianity,
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