Friday, April 8, 2011

Serving God for Whose Sake?

Some day, and not too far in the future, I will get to see Heaven.  I will walk through those gates, which are each made from one single pearl.  Coming from the gate, I enter  that eternal city and stroll down those streets of purest gold. I will open a large blue door and with a smile enter  my new mansion. 
My mansion will be so marvelous that human mind could never have imagined such beauty and workmanship.  Exhibited, for all to see, will be trophies and crowns awarded to me by God for my good works.  I will have angels serving me and bringing my messages.  I will eat from the tree of life and visit anywhere in the universe I desire.
There will be no sickness, no sadness, no death and no fear.  Anything I want, will be provided to me.  I will have God’s power at my beck and call.  Miracles will be normal.  All knowledge will be but a thought away.  How much greater can life be?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, which I said above is about heaven.  It’s only about a place which actually exists and where someday I will live forever but all those things do not make Heaven truly Heaven.  Streets of gold do not make it Heaven.  Mansions do not make it Heaven. Even doing miracles or living forever does not make it Heaven.  The only thing which is important and makes Heaven, Heaven, is that Heaven is where God lives.
If God is not there, Heaven is not where I want to be.  You can keep it all.  If God is on some barren rock out in cold space, I want to be there.  If He gives me a corner of a shack to live in and He is there, than I have a mansion and I want to be there.  I don’t care about anything else.  Keep your rewards, keep your gold and mansions.  Just give me Jesus.
Even eternal life is not worth living without Jesus.  What would be the purpose of living if I did not have Jesus in my life?  Andrae Crouch wrote a song which says, “If heaven was never promised to me, neither the promise to live eternally, it's been worth it just having the Lord in my life.”
I would rather live a few short years in this life and know Jesus, then to live all of eternity and never meet him.  He is my reason for living.  He is the reason I do anything which is good.  My next breath is a waste of energy if somehow my life does not bring him glory.
Someday I will get to Heaven, and I will live eternally as God has promised.  I will be given lavish rewards, but they are all dross compared to simply getting a glance of my saviors face.

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