Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tenth Commandment: Be Content

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.”
Exodus 20:17

Advertisements try to get you to break this commandment.  Their whole purpose is make you want something that you don’t need.  “You deserve to enjoy our product.”  “Our product tells people you’re rich and successful.”  “Women will fight over you if you use our product.”

You want a house in a certain neighborhood because successful people live in that area.  You want a car because the woman in a bikini who stood beside it was HOT!  You want to buy clothes at a certain expensive store because people in fashion use that store.   All these things are examples of coveting, which are caused by the advertisement companies.

Even without advertisements we do a good job of coveting.  Just seeing something a friend has bought causes us to envy having it ourselves.  Our neighbor’s new car sets our mind into thinking how nice it would be to have a new car ourselves.  It doesn’t seem like something big to want something we don’t have, but actually, it is a case of not trusting God.

First off, let's remember that Christians do not own anything.  We have the honor to be caretakers for the things God has put into our possession.  We are not our own, and neither are our possessions.  The possessions we have are to be used for His honor and glory, not for ours.

When we covet something, we are saying that we want to own something for ourselves.  We don’t trust God to take care of us, and so we want to have something that will glorify us, make us happy, or make us feel fulfilled.

Our glory is not found in this world.  When we see Jesus face to face, He will shower us with His glory.  Happiness in this world is fleeting, but when we reach Heaven, we will have joy forever.  Fulfillment in this world is temporary, but serving God is eternally fulfilling.

We need to covet only one thing, knowing God.  Desire to love and serve Him with all your heart.  Everything else is garbage.  Be content with what God has placed into your care and use it for His glory.

Photo Credit: The Collection 02 by VOD cars

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ninth Commandment: Impress God.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” Exodus 20:16

Anyone who wants to know God and have Him in their life, should love the greatest creation God has fashioned, your neighbor.  God loves every person whoever lived far more than you have ever loved anyone in your life.  If you want to make a good impression on God, then love your neighbor.  Don’t lie about him.  God hates lies.  He is the God of Truth.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eighth Commandment: Trust God, Be Content

Thou shalt not steal.” Exodus 20:15

Stealing is not simply a case of taking what someone else owns.  It is taking into your own hands the opportunity to get what God has not said you could have.  In essence, you are saying that God does not understand what you need so you have to go get it yourself.

We steal when we do not trust God to provide for our needs.  We steal because our relationship with God is lacking trust.  If we knew God and how much He loves us, we would never steal.  We would rest on His love and promises.  Stealing is wrong because we are putting ourselves in God’s role.  We are saying that we can do a better job then God.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Appreciate God’s Second Greatest Gift to You in this World.

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14

The greatest gift God has given to us is Jesus.  He is the most precious blessing we could ever have.  Having Him means receiving so many other blessings and gifts but, even without them, He is far greater than all the universe.

The greatest gift in this world I think is God’s word written down in the Bible.  It is the greatest book ever written because it shows us who God is and how we can find Him.  It helps show us how to find Jesus.

The Second greatest gift given to a person is their spouse.  God is entrusting an eternal soul to another person when two people marry.  Each person is to help and encourage the other in this life.  God has given them someone to share the good times and the bad.  Someone to help when one is sick.  Someone to lift up the other when the world seems to be falling apart.

Your spouse is a gift from God, and you are a gift to your spouse.  Believers have no rights to their own lives because they have given their lives to Christ.  Christ in turn gives some of that responsibility and ownership to your spouse.  You do not belong to yourself, but you belong to God and your spouse.

When we start to think about others, in a way that should only be reserved for our spouse, we commit adultery in our hearts.  Our hearts look for someone else to satisfy our desires outside of our marriage.  Doing this, we are telling God that He made a mistake.   “God, this woman (or man) is a better choice for me then the person you gave to me.  She/he can fulfill my desires, and I have decided to do this my way and not yours.”

If you want a relationship with God, where He answers your prayers, then you better be one with your spouse.

“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7

You cannot expect to have a close relationship with God while telling Him that one of the greatest gifts ever given to you was the wrong gift.  If you are not right with your spouse, you are breaking your relationship with Christ as well.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Is the Sixth Commandment, Do not Kill?

murder weapon

“Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20:13

I have killed people.  Because of me, peoples’ lives have ended.  Does that mean I have broken this commandment?  I was in the US Navy, and I plotted our ship’s course and basically aimed the gun at targets where people were.  They died because of what I did, but I did not break this commandment doing it.

The word “kill” means to murder.  I did not murder because what I did was in an act of war.  God sent armies out to battle.  He would not want anyone to disobey His commandments, so going to war must not fall under this commandment.  He also ordered people to be executed so an execution for crimes is not under this commandment.

This commandment is when a person takes it upon themselves to murder someone else.  They are playing God by deciding when a person’s life should end.  They are ending a person’s chance to know God.

Ending a person’s life is serious.  It means that if they do not know Jesus as their savior, they will never again have the chance to accept him.  If they are believers, it means they will never get the chance to grow closer in their relationship with Christ.  Their opportunity to become more like Christ has ended and to serve Him in this life has ended.

Matthew 5:21-22 Jesus says we should not even be angry without cause or call a person a fool.  The problem is found in our hearts.  It is not just our actions that condemn us but our dark, inner desires.  It is this sinful, self-satisfying, rebellious heart of ours that gets us into trouble.  Our hearts want to rebel against God.  It doesn’t want a relationship with Jesus.  It wants its own way.

We must fall down before God and repent of our rebellious spirit.  We must not rely upon our hearts to lead us, but rather upon Christ.  Murder is an action of the heart.  Faith is a sacrifice of the heart.

Photo Credit: Murder's weapon on the table by

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fifth Commandment: Honor Authorities.

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Exodus 20:12

I have a little bit different take on this commandment, but I think a valid one.  I would love to hear what you think.

Our parents are the first authority God places over us.  They are to protect us, teach us, and guide us in how to live our lives.  God has placed on them the heavy task of bringing up an eternal soul in the ways he/she should go.  Parents shall answer to God on how well they accomplish this task.

We as children are commanded to honor this authority who God has placed over us.  I wondered what honor in the Hebrew meant so I looked it up and here are some of the definitions.

To make weighty, abounding, chargeable, glorify, very great, heavy, lay heavily, bring to, come to, noble, prevail, promote, be rich.

What our parents say should hold more weight than what anyone else says.  We are to honor their commands to us.  We are to let their commands prevail in our lives.  The only time we are not to obey them, would be when God’s commands are counter to their commands.

If they were terrible parents who neglected their children or abused them, the commandment still holds.  A Christian is called upon to love his enemies, even if that enemy turns out to be a parent.  That does not mean we get all buddy buddy with them.  It means we recognize them as our parents, and not speak badly of them, we do not seek revenge, and we give them help when possible.  It means letting God judge their actions for abusing the authority they were given.  It means forgiving our parents.  I know it is hard.  I have been there.

The promise to this commandment is that our days may be long upon the land which the LORD our God has given us.  Most people talk about this promise as it is given to an individual.  I see it as given to a nation.  A nation shall fall if its children do not honor their parents.

When a nation of children loses a sense of honor to their parents, they also lose that sense of honor to other authorities over them.  They do not honor and obey the laws of the land.  Police, their boss, government officials, and anyone else over them will be seen as people to be reviled and rejected.  God Himself is also rejected by them.  They become their own law on how to live.  They become their own God.

Our parents start us out in life and release us into the world with our first experience of authority.  How we view their authority effects how we view all other authority. If a nation of children does not respect authority, that nation is bound for destruction.  It will be a nation of self-serving,  godless people who will not be willing to sacrifice for others.

God wants us to honor our parents and in so doing, we will learn to honor Him.  We will then be able to have a relationship where we listen to Him and honor Him in our lives.  The first key (but not the only key) to having a loving relationship with God is learning to honor our parents.  If we do that, we shall live long in the nation that the LORD our God has given us.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fourth Commandment: Let’s Get Together After Work

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8

In the times of Jesus, if you were to wear shoes with nails in them, you were working because you were carrying nails.  If you lit the lamp, you were working.  If you healed someone, you were working.  Pharisees kept an eye on people, and they especially kept an eye on Jesus.  They did so much work trying not to work that they must have been exhausted by the end of the day.

What they were not looking at was the purpose of this commandment.  Could you imagine what life would be like with seven days of work?  We would be working constantly and even if our bodies and minds could handle it, our spiritual life could not.  We would never have any time for God.  Churches would have to meet in the evenings, and very few people would ever go.  Churches would die out.  Our souls would shrivel up and die because we would not have time for God.

God, in his wisdom gave us a day of rest.  Rest is more than just relaxing.  It means to rest in Him.  It means to be with God, talk to Him, listen to Him and trust in Him.  It means having a relationship with God.  You take one day off so that you can enjoy the blessing God has given you and to show your thankfulness to Him. 

God wants you everyday to be with Him, but if we did not have this one day set aside to specifically be with Him, we would be too busy to ever think about Him.  This day reminds us of His love for us.  It reminds us that He wants us to be with him all week long.

The Sabbath is the day set aside for everyone to pause in their busy lives, look towards God and remember how much He loves being with us.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

The Third Commandment: God is God, and You are Not!

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Exodus 20: 7

The first commandment we looked at (click here) said No spiritual gods, angels, demons or spiritual powers are equal to God.

The second commandment (click here) said nothing material in this world is equal to God.
The third commandment says that you are not equal to God.

Taking the name of the Lord in vain is to try to bring Him down to our level.  His name is Holy and powerful.  When we use it as a swear word or for any thoughtless purposes, we are saying that we have a right to misuse the name of God.  We are just as powerful and as important as He is.  We can do whatever we like with His name.

God is God.  There is only one God and He alone can say how His name is used.  You are not God.  You are his creation.  Misuse of His Name is placing yourself on the throne of Heaven.  This is a very serious crime against the King and ruler of the universe. 

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We have Idols?

I was looking at quotes about “The Ten Commandments” and I have come to the conclusion that people do not really understand them.  They are not laws set down to tell you what to not do.  God is not an ogre standing over you with a club, to hit you over the head when you disobey Him.  They are a road map to Him.  I will post about each commandment in hopes of showing you what I mean.

Second Commandment:  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;  Exodus 20: 4-5

In The United States, we don’t have idols.  You need to go to India or to some other country where idol worship is found.  Our country has very little of that.  We know that a piece of wood, metal or paper is not God.  We are much too sophisticated for such things.  If you believe that, you’re deluding yourself.

We have made idols of Cobras, Mustangs, Barracudas, Thunderbirds, Sting Rays, Spiders and many other cars.  Some people are more concerned about a scratch on their car then they are for their own souls.  Our possessions can be our god.  We believe the more we have the safer we are and the more we will enjoy life.

To many people they look to the Government as their God.  They bow down and worship a donkey or an elephant.  They find the government to be the answer to all their needs.  They just need to get the right people in office and the world will all fall into place and paradise will come.
There are no possessions you can have, or enough money you can gain to make you safe in this world.  Neither the Government nor any party or person can ever bring about paradise for you in this life.  Movie stars, musicians and other famous people are not to be worshiped.  No one in this world has any real answers to the world’s dilemmas.

The only answer to the problems we face is found in having an intimate relationship with God.  He has the power and wisdom to bring us through anything this world can throw at us.  He and He alone can carry us through every tribulation of life. We need to turn to Him.  Cling to His word and His promises.  He is faithful to hold us safely in His arms.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

The First Commandment

I was looking at quotes about “The Ten Commandments” and I have come to the conclusion that people do not really understand them.  They are not laws set down to tell you what to not do.  God is not an ogre standing over you with a club, to hit you over the head when you disobey Him.  They are a road map to Him.  I will post about each commandment in hopes of showing you what I mean.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”  Exodus 20: 3
Bahia is a religion that believes all religions lead to God.   Jesus, Buddha, Allah, and other beliefs are all equal.  God never says that in the Scripture.  It says: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”  John 14:6

I am not going to compromise what scriptures say, just to sound nice. If I sound like I accept other's beliefs, I am encouraging them in their journey; which ends in their eternal death.  God wants us to love them enough to tell them the truth.  Accepting their beliefs as equal to Christianity is not loving.

People do not want to talk about politics and religion because it can cause emotional confrontations.  Not talking about religion can cause eternal pain, torment and a very emotional reaction of sorrow to the one who ends up in the eternal lake of fire.  Christians have the answer to that eternal condemnation.  Jesus.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Fluffy Jesus

My Son-in-law used the word “fluffy” when talking about a certain group of Christians. My mind latched onto that word, and I found it a fascinating description. I thought about this group of fluffy Christians. They would be fluffy only because their Jesus was fluffy. Could my Jesus be fluffy as well? Was my belief a fluffy Christianity?

I look at my life, and I realize that sadly, I am a fluffy Christian.  My Jesus is not the Jesus in the scriptures.  My fluffy Jesus is not that serious about the little sins in my life.  “Don’t worry son.  I know you were in a hard spot and telling that lie just helped make things easier for you.”  “Yes, you sinned, but it's not like you killed anyone.”  “I asked you to tell that person about me, but don’t worry;  I will find someone else to tell them.”

God is a righteous God.  He hates all sin.  To Him a lie is as bad as robbing a bank.  The punishment for both is death.  That may sound extreme but it really isn’t.  Anytime we sin, we are rebelling against God, the creator and ruler of the Universe.  When someone rebels against a king, it is treason.  The punishment for treason is death.

Do you take sin seriously?  Our culture is not the authority on what is right and wrong.  God is.  Premarital sex is sin.  Homosexuality is sin. Abortion is sin.  White lies are sin.  Drunkenness is  sin.  Stealing a pen from work is sin.  Taking extra change accidentally given to you is sin.  Wanting revenge is sin. Cheating on taxes is sin.

It does not matter what your friends say.  It does not matter what your spouse thinks.  What the government determines is legal or illegal is not the final say.  God determines right and wrong, and His word, above all others, is what matters.

He is not fluffy.  He is serious about sin.  He is forgiving and loving, but He is not fluffy.  He draws a line in the sand and says, “Do not cross this line."  I have crossed that line everyday.  I have not taken serious what God takes serious; and worse yet, I have made Jesus into my fluffy Jesus.

Lord, forgive me.  I have looked to my friends, the world and myself for determining what is right and wrong.  I have placed others onto the throne of judgment in my life.  I have allowed myself to think that you do not take sin seriously.  You hate all sin.  You have set you heart like flint against sin. Your desire is to crush sin.

I know that you are a God of love, and I have tried to take advantage of that love.  I have made you into my image.  My fluffy faith has created a fluffy Jesus.  Forgive me and help me to look to you alone to know what is right for  my life.  I ask you to take your rightful place on the throne of my life.  I worship you for who you are and not for who I think you are.

Photo Credit: Jesus by Babblingdweeb

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Apathy about God

God is Creator of the Universe.  There is nothing which exists that God did not make.  With his mere words, God spoke and the stars burst forth within the heavens.  God spoke, and the earth was formed. God spoke, and the waters and land existed.  The animals, the plants and all life appeared upon this world because the creator spoke.  Out of God’s desire He formed man and gave him a wife.  All life, including man’s, exist because of God.  I don’t care.

God is Lord of the Universe.  At the touch of his finger, stars explode and galaxies crumble.  His glance can cause worlds to spin out of their orbits and collide with catastrophic destruction.  A whim can birth a universe or cease all life. Nothing can exist or move without His knowledge.  No one can take a breath without His permission.  He calms storms with a word and walks on water. The Laws of Physics exist at His desire.  I don’t care.

God is King of Heaven.  Billions of angels bow to Him.  The most powerful and beautiful heavenly host sing praise to God.  God sits on a throne of Glory.  His streets are of purist Gold. No sun is needed because, His presence shines forth lighting all of Heaven.  Precious gems are found everywhere, like gravel on the road. There is no hunger, no thirst, no pain, no sickness and no death.  I don’t care.

God is Giver of Gifts.  God has given me a house, furnishings, cars, money, jobs, friends and family.  He has bestowed upon me talents, spiritual gifts, intelligence and health. He has allowed me to live in a great country with freedoms rarely found in history.  I have seen Him heal the sick, chase out demons from the possessed, and provide where a provision did not exist.  He has worked miracles.  I don’t care.

God loves me.  He loved me so much that He sent His own son to die a torturous death. How can I not care?  Even if He possessed no powers or titles and had no possessions or gifts to give, how could I deny such a great love?  I worship Him as the creator.  He is the Lord of my life.  He is my King.  I will take His gifts, and I will use them to His honor and to His Glory.  Nothing about God matters until we consider His love.

God could be Creator, Lord and King of all, but still be have nothing to do with us.  Just put it all into motion and forget us.  He could give us the greatest earthly gifts, do the most wonderful miracles, and yet He could be evil.  It is His love that sets Him apart.  It is His love that makes me desire to know Him. 

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Monday, August 22, 2011

God, What Where You Thinking?

Ever have one of those moments when you look at some event and wonder, “What was God thinking?”  I guess there are a lot of things in the world which sets a person scratching their head.  Things which seem so obviously wrong.  When I read the Bible, I read stories and think, “I could have done better than that.”  I am not talking about the people in the Bible.  I mean I could have done a better job then God.

Let's take a look at the Garden of Eden, for example.  I think God did a great job there.  A beautiful Garden with no weeds, no disease and no mosquitoes.  If there were mosquitoes God had put a tiny muzzle on them.  God made everything perfect for Adam, including giving him a woman named Eve who was absolutely the most beautiful woman in the world.  How much better could it get?  Then God slipped up and did something I never would have done.  He put The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil into the Garden.

I would bet that if we were to poll the world population, I would have a larger vote for the tree to be left out, then God with the idea to put such a dastardly thing in the Garden.  I bet even Adam and Eve would have voted with me.  That tree was the only tree which Adam and Eve could not eat the fruit from.  In Genesis 2: 16 – 17 God commands Adam not to eat the fruit or in that day he will die.

Until that tree was put into the garden, man could do anything he wanted to.  He could sit around in his underwear and watch football all day if he wanted to.  Eve was made right after the tree was planted in the garden, and I am willing to bet she would have been right there beside him on the couch and not nagging him to go mow the lawn.  This is paradise.  You search the scriptures, and you will not find one word about there being any honey-dos  in the Garden of Eden.

Did God make a mistake?  One day a while back I was sitting around, talking with the Lord, I brought this up.  I was not so bold as to say, “God, what were you thinking?  You really messed up here.”  It was more like, “Um, God?  I don’t understand what you were doing?”  In my mind, I am thinking that there just can’t be any good reason for that tree except to get those two young lovebirds kicked out.

God knows I am a pretty ignorant man, and He is merciful enough not to strike me down with lightning when I question His actions.  I think He likes my wife a lot.  In answer to her prayers, God is patient with me and overlooks a lot.  It’s a great deal for me to have Kathy, but not sure she made out as well.  I guess God must have loved me a lot to give me such a gift as her.

So God was patient with me again and smiled upon me with such grace.  “Beloved Son, tell me, how could Adam and Eve show their love for me?”

I quickly answered, “By telling you.  Just saying ‘I love you”  Or by doing something for you, like building an alter or place of worship to you.”  I thought it was a pretty easy question to answer, but than I also thought I was a pretty smart guy.

“No.” He answered me.  “They were permitted to do anything in the garden.  If they wanted to ignore me, and not go for a walk with me in the evening, I would not have objected.  They could cut down every tree there if they wanted to,  I had given them every tree to do with as they wished except for that one tree.  It cost them nothing to just say ‘I love you God.’ Love is expressed in sacrifice.“

I started to wonder just how smart I really was.  “Ok but they could sacrifice to you by doing things for you.  They kept the Garden.  They tended it. They watched over the animals. They could have populated the earth and kept it all as a paradise to show how much they love and honor you for what you had done for them.

“It was all theirs to do with as they wished.  There is nothing in this universe which I need.  Give me a lamb? Why?  I can make a lamb by speaking if I want one.  Sacrificing their possessions to me was really meaningless.”

I couldn’t believe this.  God demanded sacrifice in the old testament.  I then remembered I Samuel 15:22, which talks about how God desires obedience over sacrifice.  “But….you just told me that Love is expressed in sacrifice.”  I thought I had Him there.

“If you to give your wife a penny, would she be impressed?”

“Probably not.  That’s not a lot of money.”

“So it is no sacrifice to you.  Adam and Even owned the whole world.”

Finally a  flash of insight hit me. “They had no way to express their love to you except by obeying you.”

God just smiled at me.  I am sure He was chuckling at how dense I am.

“Adam and Eve could sacrifice to you by putting your will over their own.  As long as they loved you more than they loved their own selves they would stay away from eating the fruit of the tree.  You just wanted their love, and that was the way they could give it to you.”

I leaned back as I thought about how good God was to give man such an easy way to express love to Him.  I also thought about how gracious He was to allow us a second chance after we blew it in the garden.  God showed us His love by sending His son to take the punishment for our sins on Himself.  God didn’t have to do it, but He did anyway.  We had rebelled against Him and still He gave us a second chance.  He showed us what true love is and calls us to follow Him.  Let's not blow it a second time.

Photo Credit: Discarded Forbidden Fruit by Leonard John Matthews

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Monday, August 15, 2011

I have Parkinson’s Disease

There are events in every person’s life, which emerge and change everything they had planned and hoped for.  I would tell people that I don’t plan to get old.  I am going to live to be 200 years old.  Who knows, maybe I will do exactly that and surprise everyone.

My health, however, this year seems to be taking a turn for the worse.  I guess my warranty runs out at age 60.  The worse health issue I have is that I have Parkinson's Disease. I found out a couple of months ago about it, and it explains some of the symptoms I have been exhibiting.

So what are the symptoms of Parkinson’s I have?  Everyone knows about hands shaking when you have Parkinson’s Disease and perhaps think that is all it is.  I wish that was true.  I am presently in the beginning states of PD.  My hands tremble when I work with them.  It started in the left hand but is somewhat in the right as well.  Thankfully, they do not usually shake a lot, but it is a progressive disease so that will get worse.  I also have anxiety and trouble sleeping due to PD.  I take medication to help with the anxiety, and that helps with my sleep as well.  There are days I feel tired and fatigued.  I want to just sit with my eyes closed and rest all day.

Other symptoms I could have include, depression, lost of balance, inability to walk straight, slowing down of movement and even rigidity.  There is a greater possibility of  dementia, hallucinations and other neurological problems.  If you want to see what all can happen then I suggest you read about it in Wikipedia. (click on Wikipedia to see the article)

The cause of PD is the lack of dopamine to the brain.  I have no idea why I have this problem.  I do not have any known relatives with PD.  I have not had any injuries or been exposed to anything that could cause it.  I am simply blessed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Blessed?  It might seem strange to use that word in the same sentence as Parkinson’s Disease, but I really do mean it.  I am blessed.  Please do not feel sorry for me.  No, I do not want PD.  I would rather have cancer which you can fight and win.  Everyone knows someone who had cancer but is now free of it.  Yes, it was scary for them and painful, but they won.  No one has ever beaten Parkinson’s Disease.  It is a degrading disease which slowly progresses until you’re totally helpless.
I agree with Jesus in Luke 22:42 “Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.”

Does Jesus want me to be sick? No! I am sure of that.  I know He can cure me.  I know He loves me.  So why wouldn’t He take this sickness from me?  I do not know.  Perhaps He will.  I know that my Jesus is more powerful than anything this world could ever throw at me.

I also know that I would rather have His will in my life than to have a healthy body.  Yes, I want to be healthy.  I want to live a normal life, enjoying my family and friends.  I want to walk down the street with my wife’s hand in mine.  I want to live to be 200, but I would rather have Jesus in my life than anything else.

I know Jesus.  I trust Him completely.  Some people you trust with your life, knowing that they would never hurt you.  I trust Jesus with my life, knowing that if I am hurt, it will somehow bless Him and me both.  The scriptures and history, show many times where someone is hurt in some way, but God receives the glory.  Good things come forth from the pain.  I belong to Him, and I will not curse Him for this trial.  I will bless His name and trust in whatever plan He has for me.

Job 1:21 “And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”

Some will say I should deny even having such an illness.  I should rebuke it and claim healing.  By not claiming healing and denying the disease, I am doubting God’s power to heal me.  No, I have no doubt about His will and His power to heal.  I have seen His ability to heal, and I have seen His deep love for me.  I also know that there are times He allows His children to go through trials so that they might grow and be more like Him.  I would rather live my life with a broken body and a full soul, than vice versa.

I plan to fight this sickness.  I will fight it physically and spiritually.  I hope to see God heal me completely of PD, but until that happens, I will trust Him, serve Him and Bless His name forever.  My goal in life is not to live a pain free, happy life, but to live my life resting in Jesus.  Trusting Him in all things and growing to be more like Him in all I do and say.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask. 

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Importance of Identifying the Antichrist.

I saw an ad in Facebook which asked, “Who is the Antichrist?  Are we too late?“  My question is “What do you think you're going to do about it?”
Scripture never said we should fear the Antichrist, or that we are to do anything about him.  Are we too late to do what?  Are you planning to kill him or something?  Delay his coming to power?
The person who is going to do anything about the Antichrist is Jesus Christ.  Some day the Antichrist will be wounded in the head probably by some human action.  That will not stop him.  Only God can control the Anti Christ. 
The Antichrist will not suddenly  come to power, and God says, “Oh no!  He is here!  I missed that!”
When the Antichrist comes to power is  because God allowed it.  He has plans that include the Antichrist.  Yes, the Antichrist will kill a lot of people but God's plan is to use this evil man to bring people to him for eternal salvation.
Your job is not to worry about who the Antichrist is.  Your job is to:               1. Trust in God.  He knows what He is doing.                                                         2. Tell others about the sacrifice of Jesus for their sins.                                        3. Study the Bible and know more about who Jesus is.
If you do just those three things, you will do well.

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.  Matthew 28: 18-20

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Last Sunday, while visiting a church where Come Rest Ministries was ministering, I sat at the book table in the foyer.  The light was shining into where I sat, filling it with light.

As I sat there, I looked into the sanctuary area where the service had begun.  The darkness of the room was such that it was hard to imagine how people could see where they were going, or what was happening around them.

When it was time for the sermon to begin, I opened the glass door of the sanctuary and went in to find a seat.  I wanted to clearly hear what the Lord had for the people to hear.  As I looked around, I found I could see all within the room just fine.  I sat down and thought about how dark it had appeared before I had entered.  Now the room seemed very normal.  I could see everything just fine.  Looking out the door, towards the outside, the world seemed a washed with light.

I then realized that those in the world were use to the spiritual darkness which they constantly lived in.  To them, the darkness wasn’t dark at all.  To look out of this darkness and into the spiritual light could actually be  painful and blinding.  The light did not aid in their sight but actually hindered it.  If something lived in the spiritual light, they could not discern what it truly looked like.  To them, it appeared like a featureless and plain.  Details would be lost to them because of the light.

I pray that I live in the light, and the darkness hides the details of sin from me.  I don’t need to see what is happening within the darkness of the world.  I want to see Jesus.  I want to see His righteousness.  I want to reach those who live in darkness and help them to come into the light and see what the world of spiritual light is really like.

Photo Credit: Blinded by the Light by C. J. Sorg

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What do You Expect of Me?

Today, I was sitting on our couch praying.  I was bringing to the Lord things which concerned me such as family, ministries and my own life before him.  As I prayed I heard that still small voice speak to me.  “What do you expect of me?”

That question stopped me cold.  What did I expect of God?  What did I expect God to do as He listened to me ask for protection of my Peace Corp Volunteer daughter in The Gambia?  Did He decide to send a warrior angel to stand guard at her door because I asked Him to protect her?  Perhaps He planned to martyr her until I prayed.  Maybe He listened but decided to deny my request.
I prayed for strength and wisdom for myself to follow Him.  I want to serve him and not to sin.  Does that mean He will not allow temptations to come upon me? Does it mean God will send even greater temptations upon me, so I can grow stronger?

I prayed for Dick and Kim Speight of Come Rest Ministries that God’s presence would come upon them and bathe them in power.  That God provide for them financially, and that He blesses them as they work for Him.  When I think of how to bless them, does God see better ways to bless them?  Ways which may seem like trials to us?

What do I expect of God?  I sat there pondering how to answer Him.  Finally, I closed my eyes and confessed to Him what I truly wanted of Him.  I nodded as I said to Him.  “I expect you to be God.  You will listen to my request, and perhaps they will move your heart to fulfill my request, but I expect you to accomplish your will in all things.  Your Love will lead you into all righteousness, and I will worship you.  Oh my God, be God.”

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Man of Great Faith

Hebrews 11 is called The Faith Chapter.  It listed people in the Bible, who displayed great faith in their lives.  I agree with that list but are there others as well?  I can think of people whose name should be right there with these giants of faith.

Luke 23: 39-43 tells about the thief who hung on the cross with Jesus and said, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.”Now don’t just read on past this statement.  Think about how much faith this took.  Here is a man who has been placed on a cross to die.  He knows that he will not see another sunrise.  This dead man turns to Jesus, who is another person that will be dead before the day is out. This is one condemned man talking to another condemned man about a future beyond that day.

Not only is he talking to Jesus about a future, but he is talking about Jesus as if he is a king.  The thief just watched Jesus’s earthly possessions being divided up between the Roman guards and his robe gambled off to one of them.  Jesus is hanging naked because he owns nothing now except the crown of thorns on his head.  His followers are all scattered.  He is the butt of everyone’s joke.  The thief on the other side of Jesus sneers.  “If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.”

The thief looks past the bloody, naked body of Jesus to his fellow thief.  He has heard about Jesus.  He knows what his teaching is and how blameless he is.  Anger stirs within him and a sense of injustice pours forth.  “Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.”  Looking to the beaten face of Jesus, he says,  “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.”

Even the men who had followed Jesus for the last three years did not have the faith of this man.  He knew that not only was there a future for Jesus, but that his future was as a King.  He reached out to Jesus, his king, and asked to be remembered.  Jesus honored this man’s faith.

Lord, give me such faith as to believe you for the impossible.   You are the God of the impossible.

Photo Credit: Via Crucis 2010-5 by jj.figueroa

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Bible Quiz

I hope you enjoy this quiz.  When you think you know the answer, just click on the word “ANSWER”

1. What must we do in order to have Christ live in us; and the life which we now live in the flesh we live by faith in the Son of God?  ANSWER 1

2. What should we present to God as our reasonable service?  ANSWER 2

3. What do you need to take up daily in order to go after Christ? ANSWER 3

4. Do not yield your members as instruments of what, but as instruments of what? ANSWER 4

5. If we belong to Christ, what have we done with the flesh? Answer 5

I hope you enjoyed the quiz and I pray that the answers to the quiz are answers to an abundant life which our God desires for you.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope”

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ultimate Sacrifice

I was in the US Navy from 1970 until 1974 and served in Viet Nam.  Three of my shipmates died from action with the enemy.  Click on this sentence to read my past blog on them.

I have found that my life in the military helped prepare me for my life as a Christian.  Obedience to orders, respect to leaders, preparation, fellowship and working with others, and self sacrifice.

This is Memorial Day Weekend when we remember those who have died in the service to our country.  I praise God for them and for their sacrificing all for us.  Their sacrifice has bought us freedom in this country.

I pray that we as Christians will also sacrifice our lives for Christ. 
Romans 12: 1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Compassion and Prayer

Compassion means to suffer with, to live with those who suffer. When Jesus saw the woman of Nain he realized, This is a widow who has lost her only son, and he was moved by compassion. He felt the pain of that woman in his guts. He felt her pain so deeply in his spirit that out of compassion he called the son to life so he could give that son back to his mother.
Henri J. M. Nouwen

I have a problem. I always thought that I am who I am, and this is just the way I naturally am. I have continually assumed this about myself, but now I doubt its validity. I have a lack of passion. I do not excite easily, and I do not become sorrowful easily either. I am a person whose emotions are generally very even keeled.

That sounds like something which is not a matter of concern and could even be desirous, but now I understand that it is not how I was created. I was created to be a person of passion. When events happen in my life, for good or evil, I take it in stride.  I am not saying I am emotionless. I am saying I do not feel the deep passions which others feel. I do not have the compassion for people which I should  have.  I don’t become sorrowful at the death of someone. I don’t become thrilled when someone is healed. I merely think that God has moved.  His will was done. Blessed be the name of the lord.  Prayer, without compassion, is weak and powerless.

Compassion, without the power of prayer, reaps sorrow. The Holy Spirit taught me that today in my quiet time. I was dumbstruck. I had never understood until then about compassion and prayer. They are intimately intertwined together. You cannot have one without the other and live an effective Christian life.

To have a deep compassion and no power in prayer, will only send you into the deep pit of depression. You see the needs in the world, but you have no way to meet those needs. You see sickness and pain, but you can only stand by and watch the people die and suffer. God does not want you to have a compassion for people and not be able to do something about it. Jesus had compassion. When the scriptures speak of his compassion, he reached out to help people. He cured the blind. He cast out the demons. He fed the 5000. He raised the dead. All because he had compassion for people and then reached out with the power from God to meet the need.

I am praying to know the compassion of Christ. He will answer my prayer because He wants me to know His heart. He wants me to cry with Him and rejoice with Him. He wants me to know the heart pain He holds for people. I want to know His pain and I hunger for His passion.

When I have the compassion of Christ, my prayers will then have the power of Christ as well.  I will not be uttering empty words as I pray, but words of love and compassion.  My heart will hunger for healing and not be satisfied with saying “Well, I guess it is just God’s will for you to stay this way.”  Prayer without compassion is weak and anemic.

I refuse to stay weak and anemic.  I refuse to settle for anything less than the heart of Christ.  I will not stand by and let people suffer without me suffering with them.  I will know the tears of God.  I will know his compassion.  Once I know His compassion, I will also know His power to meet those needs.  I will pray and the needs of the people will be met by His power.   The blind will see. The lame will walk. The dying shall live. People will see and know God

Photo Credit: Sorrow by bluestar_tam

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Is Salvation a One Time Event?

Tell me not of your justification, unless you have also marks of sanctification. Boast not of Christ's work for you, unless you can show us the Spirit's work in you. - J.C. Ryle

Salvation is a one time event, but also is not.  When we hear the word salvation we think about the day we accepted Jesus as our savior.  For me that day was when I was in Navy boot camp. I can point to a specific time in my life when Jesus became my savior.  On that day, I became justified before God.  My sins were wiped clean because Jesus took them all upon himself. Romans 5:9

Today, I am working on my salvation.  I love my God and I try my best to do His will in my life.  I try to accomplish what the scriptures say in order to be more Christ-like.  Slowly, God has stripped away sin from my life and is doing a good work within me to bring me closer to the person He desires.  Slowly, but surely He is sanctifying me. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Justification is a one time event in your life, when you accept the free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus.  Sanctification is the continual work of God within you to bring your life into a more righteous way of living.  Both  are forms of salvation.

If you have Jesus as your savior, you have been justified, but that does not mean you have been sanctified.  If you die to self and make Jesus the true lord of your life, then you are being sanctified.  This is when real growth in your spiritual life begins.

There is a third salvation called glorification.  This is yet to come for us.  When we die or rapture occurs, we will be in the presence of God.  We will be given a new body which shall never die.  We will receive many heavenly blessings at this time, including a new knowledge of God.  You will have a glorified body, soul and mind.  Justification gave you eternal life in Heaven but  without sanctification you might get to heaven but with nothing to show for your life. Philippians 3: 20,21

We need to give our  lives to Jesus, not just for justification but for sanctification.  We need to give Him all of ourselves to Him.  Do not do it for any rewards but simply out of love.  He died for you out of love, now you need to die to self out of love for Him.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

My Three Fathers

I am sure you have heard how our view of God, our heavenly father, comes from how we view our earthly fathers.  Many people have a problem with God because of their earthly fathers.

My early memories of my biological father were all of him being angry.  I once was given an ear of corn from a neighbor and went home eating it.  My father saw me with that corn and rushed out.  Grabbing the corn from me, he stuck his face in front of mine and yelled at me.  I have no idea what he said, but I remember his anger.  He once got mad while we were fishing and threw all of our poles and the dog into the river.  I do not have any early memories of him where he is not angry.

The night he left my mother and I, I was in my bed when he bursted through the door.  He began to tear everything in my room apart.  He threw my record player against the wall breaking it apart.  He tore my clothes in two.  Once he was done and everything in my room was broken, he left never to return.

Soon after my father left, my mother remarried and my step father adopted me.  He was a good man, but I still loved my biological father.  My way of thinking was that if I accepted this man as my father then my real father would be lost forever.  Over time my attitude towards him wore down my step father, and he became abusive.

He would take wooden boards and make paddles out of them.  If I did anything wrong he would use them on me hard enough that he would break them on my backside so that he would have to then use his hand.  I believe in spankings but not like this.  One time, he tried to break my arm but my mother stepped in and stopped him.

He would tell me how worthless I was.  I couldn’t do anything right.  He told me I was going to end up in prison someday.  I do not remember him ever telling me anything good when I was growing up.  He never told me that he loved me.

If I was to look at my earthly fathers as my guide as to what my heavenly is like I would have a very warped view of God.  He would be a very angry and vindictive God.  He would be destroying all I owned to punish me.  I would be battered around by him and told how worthless I was.  He would abandon me.  I would be alone in the times I really needed him.  God would be untrustworthy and hateful.  He would be a bearer of sorrow, shame, pain, loneliness, worthlessness, destruction, hate, anger, and much more.

God worked a miracle in my life and showed me that He is not like my earthly fathers.  He is faithful and true. He will never leave me or forsake me.  God’s love for me is pure and no matter what I do He will not point a finger at me accusingly.

I found out that while my earthy fathers were fallible and sometimes did not act as a father should, my heavenly father never failed and always did what was best for me.  He has become the father I had always desired.

I have forgiven my earthly fathers for not meeting the needs I had.   I respect them for trying to do their best while still living a life without Christ and his guidance.   I am made of flesh just like them, and I make mistakes as well.  Thankfully, I don’t have to follow them.  I have my Heavenly father to follow instead.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

God is Addicted!

I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is true.  God is addicted.  He cannot  help it.   The one who is all powerful has an addiction which has not been able to break.  In fact, He has not even tried to break His addiction.  Think of how hard it is for someone in the world to break from a drug addiction.  God’s addiction is so powerful that compare to it, a heroin addiction looks as weak as an addiction to Chocolate.

God looks at you and cannot  help Himself.  He loves you, desires for you.  He enjoys gazing at you so much that He even has the hairs on your head counted.  He wants you to know Him as well as He already knows you.   He is absolutely addicted with love for you.  He cannot  stop thinking about you, and how He can express His love for you.  He has so many blessings He is ready to shower on you that Bill Gates would be jealous.  The Holy Spirit is ready to pour out gifts to you in a never ending stream.


So why aren’t you receiving them?  Jesus is your bridegroom whose wedding gifts to you await, but you have not truly committed yourself to Him yet.  You are looking in the mirror and can’t take your eyes off yourself.  He wants you to look upon Him. His eyes never leave you.  His heart beats forth your name.  Jesus wants you to love Him as much as He loves you.  He wants the joy of showering you with His love.  He only waits for you to commit your whole self to loving Him.

Song of Solomon 8:6 “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.”

Photo Credit: Dinner by Loveyousave

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Do You Want Credit For Your Earthly Deeds?

  "Saint Augustine said that it’s only by the grace of God that we ever do anything even approximating a good work, and none of our works are good enough to demand that God reward them. The fact that God has decided to grant rewards on the basis of obedience or disobedience is what Augustine called God’s crowning his own works within us. If a person has been faithful in many things through many years, then he will be acknowledged by His Master, who will say to him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant.  The one who squeaks in at the last minute has precious little good works for which he can expect reward." - R. C. Sproul

Have you ever thought about what life time rewards you will receive in Heaven?  Rewards you have earned for your good or evil works while you have lived?

If you have never accepted Christ as savior, then you have the privilege of paying the debt which your sins have earned.  Each time you have done something wrong it has been noted by God.  He is all knowing and He doesn’t need to peek at every detail about your life.  He doesn’t enjoy keeping track of your short comings, but He still knows about them.  At the time of your death all those sins will need to be paid for.  The bill comes due and the cost for each black mark against your life is eternal death.  Just one of those sins would send you into eternal damnation.

However, lets back up a moment.  What about those good deeds you did?  Don’t they also count?  The price of sin is not payment by good works.  They don’t count for you during Judgment.  Any credit and benefits for your good works are found right here in this world.  In your life people will thank you and show appreciation for what good things you have done.  That is the reward you receive for your good life.  People will remember you for being a man or woman who was kind, generous and good.  You can accept the credit for your good works and enjoy them here in this world.  For a short time in history a few people might reward your memory, but in the end it will all be for nothing.  Matthew 6:20  "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

If you are a Christian, who knows Jesus as Lord and Savior, your sins have also been noted by God.  However, you have the privilege of standing before God with the debt of your sins paid for by Jesus.  He takes the credit for all the sin you have ever committed.  Death is still the price for all your sin, but instead of you paying the price, Jesus did it for you on the cross.

Your good deeds have also been noted by God.  Every time you have done something for God or for other people, God has taken note.   When you get to Heaven you will be greatly rewarded for your righteous deeds.  You will be given crowns to wear and Godly recognition and blessings.  You will find eternal rewards far beyond your imagination.  Revelations 22:12  "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done."

However, everything you will be given is only possible because of the work of Christ and not because of you.  You will receive all these grand accolades and rewards, but find that you are wholly unworthy of them.  It was Jesus who gave you any righteousness.  Jesus is the one who should be receiving the crowns, rewards and glory, not you.

In Revelation 4: 10 – 11 it says, “The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, ‘Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.’”  I believe that if the 24 elders find that their crowns are deserved by Jesus much more then they, so will we.

With an insight born of Godly wisdom you will cast yourself before Jesus and worship Him for His great love and sacrifice for you.  You will cast your crowns at His feet.  Every reward you have received will be given to Him who truly deserves them.  All that you are and have, will be presented to the lover of your soul to use for whatever purpose He desires.

A Christian has nothing good or evil in his life that is his own to keep.  We own nothing.  It all belongs to our God.  There is no need to fear God for any sin you do because Jesus paid the price.  There is no reward for you to keep for any good thing you accomplish because Jesus will get the credit.  So why should you do anything good?

You were created to be loved by God and to return that love to Him.  We do God’s will out of love.  He has given us life.  His joy is found in blessing you and making your life abundant with joy and fulfillment.  There is no way you could ever out love God.  We don’t need to fear punishment to keep us from doing evil.  We don’t need promises of rewards to do good.  We only need to love Him and our lives will be full of good works.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Life is an obstacle to Revival

If revival is being withheld from us it is because some idol remains still enthroned; because we still insist in placing our reliance in human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchangeable truth that, 'It is not by might, but by My Spirit.

Jonathan Goforth

What is the biggest obstacle to a revival?  Answer: Life.

What?  Wait a minute! Christianity is all about life.  Life is our goal isn’t it?  Life comes from God, so how can life be a hindrance to a spiritual revival of God’s spirit working within us?  It is because, your life is in the way of the eternal and perfect life which God has for you.

God’s power is under His authority, and you have your own will.  As long as you allow your will to live, God cannot  control your ways.  If you are not under His authority then how can he entrust you with His power?  If you do not have the power of God working in your life, how can he use you to bring revival?

We want a revival?  We can try to bring about a revival by making elaborate plans.  We would organize who will do what, and gather all the materials we think will be necessary.  We set the time and bring in great speakers who can preach powerful messages.  We have 24 hour prayer going on to prepare the souls of those who attend.  Everything is in its place, and everything is absolutely perfect, except for one thing.  No one has turned to God for the guidance and power for the Revival.  We made all the plans ourselves and trusted in our own strength.  We need to rest in God and not in any man.  No one allowed God to work in their lives to bring about His power to the revival.  God still might work in some people's hearts but not in the powerful manner He truly desires.

There is one question you really need to answer.  Is living your life, the way you want, worth the loss of hundreds of souls?  Your prayers, your plans and your witness, filled with the power of God as He directs you in the way you should go, could be the difference in the eternal lives of your friends, relatives and in the lives of anyone who meets you.  Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for others?  Is the loss of your life, your will, worth giving if it means gaining eternal life for even one other person?

Are you willing to be Christ to those around you?  Are you willing to fulfill Luke 9:23 in your life?   “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Politically Correct Jesus for Today

Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander the Great, Caesar, Mohammed, and Napoleon; without science and learning, he shed more light on things human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of school, he spoke such words of life as were never spoken before or since, and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet; without writing a single line, he set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art, and songs of praise than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times. 
Philip Schaff 

 What would Jesus be like if he was what our modern world desired him to be?  What does a Politically Correct Jesus look like?

Instead of calling upon people to turn from their sin, Jesus would understand that people are made they way they are by society. The conditions they lived in when growing up formed them into the people they are. They couldn't help it.

When a woman who was caught in the very act of adultery was brought before him and asked what to do with her, he would have answered, “How can you blame this woman when all she did was follow her inner desires.  We have desires which we must let free.  Teach her to use a condom and everything will be fine.”

Would a politically correct Jesus ever have called someone vipers and snakes? He even told them that they are condemned to Hell! (Matthew 23:33)  How can he do such a thing?  Think of those poor people's self-esteem.

Sorry, but Jesus was never Politically Correct.   His work was not swayed by what others thought about his words.  The only person he wanted to please was the Father.  When Jesus spoke, he told people what they needed to hear, even when it made them uncomfortable or even angry.  He did not hold back and play nice when it was needed.

He also always spoke out of love.  Yes, calling someone a snake doesn’t seem very nice but sometimes hitting someone between the eyes with the truth is what is needed.  His desire was not to insult or sound important.  He did not care if his words made someone a friend or enemy.  He cared that his words were of God, they were true and they affected people by turning them to God.  He never condemned anyone, but he certainly tried to convict them.

He also did not worry about what the laws were, if they were against God’s decree.  Today if something is legal or culturally accepted, we turn a blind eye to it.  Jesus would have been standing on the highest hill in town proclaiming God’s ways.

Do we really expect a revival without being willing to tell people the truth about sin and Hell?  How can we expect God to speak to people when we gag Him?  Tell people that sin is sin.  Warn them of the fiery Hell that awaits those who refuse His salvation. 

Are you, a Politically Correct Christian or a Christ Correct Christian?

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jehoshaphat Praise and Worship

"When God's people begin to praise and worship Him using the Biblical methods He gives, the Power of His presence comes among His people in an even greater measure." 
Graham Truscott

Jehoshaphat did not wait until his enemy was destroyed before he began to Praise and Worship God (2 Chronicles 20: 18-30). As soon as God gave the prophetic answer by way of Jahaziel King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah worshiped and praised God for answering them.  They were so sure that God was going to destroy their enemy, that it was as if it had already happened.  In fact, from God’s viewpoint, it had already happened.

There is no need for us to wait and see if God is going to keep his promises.  If He says He will save you, He will save you.  If He says He will provide for you, He will provide for you.  When God speaks, it is done.

So why worry about something God has said is true?  Have faith in the one who is faithful.  Praise Him for His goodness.  Worship Him for His mighty deeds.  Thank Him for answering your prayers, even if you don’t see the answer yet.  Worship Him from the time you speak to Him about a need, when you see Him meeting that need,  and afterwards when you are testifying to God’s faithfulness to others.  Praise and worship the Lord Almighty who faithfully answers our prayers.

For more on Jehoshaphat, click here.

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